Therapy Dogs provide an opportunity for seniors to give and receive physical touch, display affection, and raise their spirits. Petting, stroking and “playing” with a pet can provide physical activity to non-active senior residents as well as a distraction to reduce the frustration and agitation that comes with limiting abilities as one ages. In a facility type environment, animal assisted therapy can transform senior residents into a calm state and reduce them from escalating into aggressive interaction with staff and others. In many cases seniors look forward to a weekly dogs visit to the nursing home. Many senior may be reminded of the time they had a dog allowing them to reminisce a positive experience.
My mother is 72 and has survived through 3 strokes over the past six years. This last one was substantial, and now she suffers from severe global aphasia. She lost every bit of independence and now has to rely 100% on her daughter and full time caregiver to take care of her. Needless to say, that has caused her severe depression and anxiety amongst many other symptoms that are very hard for the family and caregiver to manage.
Our caregiver Mary has this fuzzy little Pomeranian named Prince who is totally adorable, sweet, calm, and he’s a support dog. She brought Prince over a few days ago, and my mom literally held him in her lap for 3 hours non stop just snuggling and smiling away. It was incredible to see! She also was much calmer that evening as well. I have three standard Aussie dogs, however, they are a little big for her lap. She does like to sit and snuggle with them on the couch or they watch the golfers together on the patio.
Canine emotional therapy works and is “the best non pharmaceutical” intervention to help those in need! Our non profit foundation; Our sister training company;
Help us change lives one paw at a time!